In the organizer's words:

Ars Nova meets traditional Indian dance

Jacopo da Bologna and his fellow composers from Italy and France consciously calculated thebeguilingpower of their melodies and harmonies when theyclothedthe songs of the sorceress Circe or themurderoussirens in the advanced polyphony of their madrigals and ballads.Michele Pasotti and his ensemble La fonte musica invite you to an encounter with the musical avant-garde of the 14th century. Núria Sala Grau lends her own form to the mythical background of the resulting opera in her narrative dance form with expressive gestures.

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Price information:

22/14 € combined ticket with "... from the dream, the anxious ..." 29/19 €


VENTANA Elisabeth-von-Mumm-Platz 1 50937 Köln

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