PHOTO: © Rob Laughter via Unsplash

Zimmer / Kotze / Bad

In the organizer's words:

with Catalina Navarro Kirner and Florian Fisch
Director: Jörg Schur, Video & Sound: Serge Davidov

A young urban couple with a baby in a much too small apartment - and all efforts to find larger accommodation remain unsuccessful. Yet above the family lives a very old lady all alone in a 180 square meter apartment!

The couple secretly hope that the lady will pass away soon so that they can take over the apartment. With the baby crying and the cramped living conditions, they soon cross all moral boundaries - while the old lady slowly dries up in her loneliness.

"If you're over 70, you only need ONE fucking room, you should only need ONE BED and this bed should be in a fucking old people's home! That should simply be regulated by the state: Release living space from 60! Sorry, but there's nothing more coming from them... they're just waiting for that... You have to think about society... about families, children and, above all, single parents! Why is he shouting again?"

A play about the absurdly overheated housing market and young families in a state of emergency - bitterly realistic and comedically revealing!

premiere on February 24, 2024, 7.30 pm

This content has been machine translated.


Sensemble Theater Bergmühlstraße 34 86153 Augsburg