Wem gehört die Stadt? Tanzdemo

You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

Come to the "Who owns the city?" dance demo on 08.06.2024. Our city is being destroyed before our eyes: open spaces are being built over with luxury apartments.

The right to the city means the right to affordable housing and protection from displacement. Every home is a home and right now, in times of crisis, we need our city as a place to retreat and live. But horrendous rents present us all with unsolvable problems. The socialization of housing is important to prevent speculation and rent increases. Berlin is more than just housing: Open spaces must not only be created, but also protected. This applies to clubs as well as free open airs or self-managed youth centers, housing projects, LGBTQI* shelters, music schools, theaters, neighborhood pubs, late-night bars and much more. Together against social division, displacement and the disappearance of open spaces; for a Berlin of solidarity in which we can all live well together. For a right to the city!

This content has been machine translated.


Frankfurter Tor Frankfurter Tor 10 Berlin

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