Frank\u0027s Billard Café

Frank's Billard Café

Kölner Straße 40a None Düsseldorf Navigation >
1 Follower:innen
0 Events

In the location's words:

Quaint pub with the opportunity to play billiards in the city center.

Frequently asked questions about Frank's Billiard Café in Düsseldorf

1. are there parking facilities near Frank's Billard Café in Düsseldorf?

There are parking spaces for your vehicle, the nearest parking lot is Ring-Center in 175 meters distance from Frank's Billard Café in Düsseldorf.

2. are there special events or tournaments at Frank's Billard Café in Düsseldorf?

Frank's Billard Café regularly organizes special events such as billiard tournaments, theme evenings or other social events. Information about current events can often be found on their website or social media channels.

3. do I need to book in advance to use a pool table at Frank's Billard Café in Düsseldorf?

It is recommended, especially on busy days or at certain times, to reserve a pool table in advance. This can be done by phone or online, depending on the café's booking policy.

4. what kind of pool tables are available at Frank's Billard Café in Düsseldorf?

There are different types of pool tables at Frank's Billard Café, including pool tables (8-ball, 9-ball) and snooker tables. The tables are suitable for players of different abilities.

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Montag: 16:00 - 02:00
Dienstag: 16:00 - 02:00
Mittwoch: 16:00 - 20:00
Donnerstag: 16:00 - 02:00
Freitag: 16:00 - 02:00
Samstag: 18:00 - 03:00
Sonntag: 18:00 - 03:00
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