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In the location's words:

Close your eyes and dance!

If you love Tango Argentino or want to get to know it for the first time, TangoGlück is the right place for you. And if you also value mindfulness towards your partner, your environment and yourself, this is the place to be! Absolutely. Because this great combination of dance and mindfulness is what TangoGlück is all about and the result is pure happiness.

Monica and Michael, the two owners, have not only realized their dream of their own dance school with TangoGlück, but can also implement their philosophy of life here: Sustainability, mindfulness and naturalness. Because who dances here, dances "green". TangoGlück is powered by green electricity, the equipment is used and upcycled, and the accounts are with GLS Bank. And how does this life model translate to tango? "Quite simply," Monica reveals to us, "everyone here is taken as they are. We give the tango basics and are renitent sustainable strict ;-), after that the field is open for any form of improvisation, fusion, play." Oh how great! Close your eyes and dance. And: find each other, move together mindfully, enthusiastically welcome the otherness of the other person in the dance, create something new together in the dance. TangoGlück is a value-free place. "There is no right or wrong in dance, " Michael adds. "We give ideas on how it can go, but ultimately everyone learns and dances tango in their own way." Michael, who danced standard for many years, ultimately found happiness in Tango Argentino. He also gave up his former life as a carpenter for this happiness - full risk for the whole happiness.

His happiness is Monica. Born in Chile and via Sweden to Münster and Paraguay and finally landed in the terribly beautiful Dortmund. She loves the honest people here, the fantastically beautiful garden in front of TangoGlück peppered with plants from shared happiness of the gardens of students, the Davidismarkt, her Dortmund friends and Michael. Monica is such a balanced person that we can only marvel at her. She lives for her visions and ideas and would like to be a good luck charm. Wants to be? She already is. Dancing makes you happy! And as a freelance speaker she also marries couples on the happiest day of their lives. And if things go wrong for a couple, she helps them in talks. Happiness in love instead of counseling. But more about that in another place...

And their greatest dream? They both agree: to find and create a place where you can combine dancing with sustainable cuisine. Dancing upstairs and fresh, local produce on your plate downstairs, socializing indoors with a great, inspiring team and dancing yourself happy. "That's it!"

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