theaterforum kreuzberg
PHOTO: © TheaterForum Kreuzberg

theaterforum kreuzberg

Eisenbahnstraße 21 10997 Berlin Navigation >
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In the location's words:

theaterforum kreuzberg (tfk) has been located at a historic site, the former ballroom "Köpenicker Hof", since 1985. It grew out of the Forum Kreuzberg, a self-managed living and working community. The Köpenicker Hof with its historic ballroom was built around 1902. Young theater people expanded the ballroom in the year the theater was founded, in order to enable cultural experiments within the framework of the Forum. Today, the theater seats 99 people and, in addition to in-house productions, hosts guest performances by theater and dance ensembles from Berlin and abroad. Under the artistic direction of Anemone Poland, theaterforum kreuzberg stages plays by authors of classical modernism - often as German or Berlin premieres, including plays by Jean Tardieu, Michel de Ghelderode, Eugène Ionesco, Diderot/Enzensberger, Roger Vitrac, Georges Schehadé, Jean Anouilh, Luigi Pirandello or, as a world premiere, a drama by the painter Max Beckmann. This content has been machine translated.
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