Wannda Circus
PHOTO: © Wannda e.V.
Concert Hall

Wannda Circus

Völckerstraße 5 80939 München Navigation >
178 Follower:innen

In the location's words:

Wannda e.V. was founded in the fall of 2012 and consists of seven members, some of whom already know each other from school. In addition, Wannda e.V. is actively supported by many volunteers.

It is the common goal to create space for dreams, art and culture and to bring people closer to their own passion.

Since the space available in many cities is very limited, Wannda e.V. decided to play on fallow land in the form of a cultural circus. A tent city sets no limits to artistic diversity and transforms unused places into a vibrant space for a short time. The use of a circus tent and other flying structures gives Wannda mobility, reach and independence. Many people and their creative thoughts meet here, can unfold and are heard.

The guiding principle of Wannda; "If not now, Wanndann?" has been program-forming since its foundation. It not only describes the openness towards any form of art, but is also decisive when it comes to realizing projects, ideas and dreams without delay.
Wannda e.V. is self-financing. Young artists are given the opportunity to live their understanding of art and to present it to a broad audience.

The visitors of the Wannda Circus can deal with and reflect on various topics in order to develop views and thoughts that promote a far-sighted and free-thinking society.

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