On Veilchendienstag, the day before Ash Wednesday, the Nubbel is burned in many Cologne pubs. What is actually behind this tradition? Who is the Nubbel, why is it burned and why is it celebrated?

The term "Nubbel" has its origins in the Cologne vernacular and has been used since the 18th century when something cannot be named more precisely. Examples include "Nubbels Chris" ("somebody") "dä es beim Nubbel" ("he's somewhere") "dat wor dä Nubbel" ("that was somebody").

The Nubbel is a straw puppet that is hung over the doors of pubs on Weiberfastnacht at the latest. Then there are six days of partying, catching carrots, singing carnival songs and swaying.

Before everything is over on Ash Wednesday and Lent begins, the Jecken burn the Nubbel on Tuesday. This symbolizes the sins and shameful deeds that have been committed over the past few days. These, as well as the carnival, are carried to their graves in a procession followed by a ceremony. A carnival boy (usually dressed as a priest) reads out an indictment in which the Nubbel is absolved of all guilt for past misdeeds. At midnight, everything is over and the carnival bids farewell until the new session opens.

Don't want to miss out on the spectacle? Then read our article here to find out where the Nubbel is burned in Cologne:

Nubbelverbrennung in der Roonstraße 2024

Nubbelverbrennung in der Roonstraße 2024
© Hellers Brauhaus
Di, 13.02.2024 23:00
Free admission
Rund um's Kwartier Latäng

In der Roonstraße findet die größte Nubbelverbrennung der Stadt statt - samt Prozession, Musik und Anklageschrift. Vor dem Hellers Brauhaus wird sich versammelt, hier und in den anderen Lokalen des Kwartier Latäng kannst du vorher noch Karneval feiern und den letzten Abend gebührend zelebrieren.

Nubbelverbrennung Altstadt-Nord

Nubbelverbrennung Altstadt-Nord
© Brauhaus Sion
Di, 13.02.2024 17:00
Preis an AK
Verschiedene Orte in Köln

You can see the Nubbel burning at several points in the Altstadt-Nord. The Sion brewery offers a great program with Jürgen Becker and Lupo. And things also get wild at Anno Pief.

Nubbelverbrennung in der Südstadt

Nubbelverbrennung in der Südstadt
© KG Ponyhof
Di, 13.02.2024 18:00
Preis an AK
Südstadt Köln


Karneval im Bumann & Sohn

Karneval im Bumann & Sohn
© Bumann
Di, 13.02.2024 18:00
12,22 €

You can find all carnival events on our website and in our app:

Nubbel burnings also take place in Sülz, Nippes, Poll and other districts. Do you know of a Nubbelverbrennung that we should definitely mention? Then enter it here.

Frequently asked questions about the Nubbelverbrennung in Cologne

Do you still have several question marks in your head after reading about this crazy tradition? Then watch out:

1. what is the Nubbelverbrennung in Cologne?

The burning of the Nubbel is a traditional carnival ceremony in which a straw puppet called a "Nubbel" is symbolically burned. The act marks the end of the carnival.

2 Who or what is the Nubbel?

The Nubbel is a straw puppet that is hung from a lantern or window or above the door during carnival. The custom is that the Nubbel symbolically represents the sins and escapades of the carnival days.

3. why is the Nubbel burned in Cologne?

The burning of the Nubbel symbolizes the end of carnival and is intended to drive away the excesses of the previous days and draw attention to the wrongdoings in the world. It is a kind of cleansing ritual.

4. where does the Nubbelverbrennung take place?

The Nubbelverbrennung takes place in front of many Cologne pubs, breweries and in public squares. Each district can have its own Nubbelverbrennung. Beforehand, carnival is celebrated one last time in the pubs. Dressing up is of course encouraged!

5 When exactly does the Nubbelverbrennung take place?

The Nubbelverbrennung takes place in the night from Veilchendienstag to Ash Wednesday, traditionally shortly after midnight. The exact time may vary depending on the event.

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