Let's cut to the chase: Do you already know Cologne inside out?
We'll be honest: we don't! 😅
Every day we are surprised with something new that we don't know yet. Whether it's the little second-hand store next door, a hidden movie theater or a great plant garden. Cologne has so many hidden places& we want to know them all!

That's why we teamed up with our friends from VisitKöln and set off in search of places you might not yet know. We've made a note of 7 of our favorites for you 👇

A journey back in time to the 50-70s at Café Wahlen

At Café Wahlen, you can immerse yourself in the charming time travel of Cologne's café culture: with white tablecloths, red velvet, chandeliers and floral wallpaper, the café has been enchanting its guests since 1911. There's no fancy latte show here, just classic coffee house vibes and first-class delicacies. A large selection of cakes and tarts await you at the counter - these are brought to your table by the staff in classic white aprons. No wonder a visit to Café Wahlen is not just a visit to a café, but a nostalgic excursion into a timeless world of coffee and cakes. Must Known!
📍 Hohenstaufenring 64

⏰ Tue - Sun 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.

A different kind of pub: TRINK-GENOSSIN

The bar with the most extraordinary history is probably the TRINK-GENOSSIN in Ehrenfeld. Why?🤓A cooperative bar was created here to make democracy, community and fair business socially acceptable and that means: no room for big investors, but plenty of space for communal evenings with freshly tapped Mühlen Kölsch and Hellers Pils. Whoop!
This place is more than just a bar. Whether art chamber, concert location or coworking space, ideas are welcome here. Our team meets on site every 2 weeks on Thursdays to celebrate the end of the working day together - why not drop by?

You can even become part of the TRINK-GENOSS:INNEN - find out how here! Whether with friends, neighbors or as a tourist - everyone is welcome here!

📍 Subbelrather Straße 254

⏰ Mon - Wed 7 pm - 00 am, Thu 6 pm - 00 am, Fri - Sat 7 pm - 02 am

Homemade & vegan at Nobiko

Nobiko in Cologne-Kalk - perhaps the tastiest noodle bar in town! Originally known as Café Kollektiv Fatsch, this spot has blossomed into a vegan sensation. With homemade udon noodles, top ingredients such as North German tofu and oyster mushrooms, Nobiko has won our hearts. Fresh ingredients, preferably organic, end up in your bowl. NICE! The Golden TanTan Udon are amazing & be sure to order a peanut chocolate cookie afterwards!
The coolest thing? They still rock it collectively - without hierarchies, but with a love of food and great quality. 😊

📍 Josephskirchstraße 25

⏰ Wed - Fri 5 - 10 p.m., Fri - Sat 2 - 10 p.m.

Traumathek: A journey through space and time

The Cologne Traumathek is more than just a place where you can rent films - once you enter it, you feel like you're traveling back in time. There are real film reels here, shrouded in nostalgia that swirls through the air. Film fans can rejoice - here you will find a wide range of independent cinema from all over the world. From the latest hits from Hong Kong to independent films from Africa - the art of film is celebrated here in all its diversity. But the Traumathek is not only a place of discovery, but also a place of exchange: getting together, having a coffee, watching films - that's also possible here! And when the Traumathek itself becomes a movie theater, the in-house Studio Argento takes you into another world. We love it here!

📍 Engelbertstraße 45

⏰ Tue - Fri 2 - 10 pm, Sat 1 - 10 pm

Cologne's best view from Monte Kalk

Cologne's best viewOf course, climbing the 533 steps of Cologne Cathedral could be fun - but when we're out and about in Kalk, you can also enjoy a really good view. Our favorite for the best view:
The Kalkberg a.k.a. Monte Kalk may only be an artificial hill, but the view? Fantastic! Right on the corner of Kalk and Buchforst, you get a fabulous view of Cologne's skyline. Monte Kalk is the perfect spot to end your excursion on a relaxed note.
Don't forget your camera!

📍 51065 Lime

⏰ Always open

Off-road party at the Schrotty

Celebrating off-roadBuck to celebrate? Then you should definitely pay a visit to Schrotty! In a former scrapyard in Bickendorf, you'll be served one party highlight after another. Between containers and old car seats, you can shake a leg to electronic beats. Bad weather? No problem either. Two halls and a covered outdoor area ensure that the party goes off well whatever the weather. Whether it's DJ Heartstring, Sachsentrance & Co. the coolest DJs play here - you can find all events here. Have fun! 🕺🏽
📍 Vogelsangerstraße 406

⏰ Depending on the event

Ehrenfeld's Hidden Gem: ARTY GARTY Artspace & Gallery

You can find urban art in the heart of Ehrenfeld at the ARTY FARTY Gallery! The gallery is more than just an ordinary art space - fresh perspectives come together here, there are exciting exhibitions to see and there are always really cool events from vernissages to parties. ARTY FARTY offers artists a space and invites you to see the variety of art that makes Cologne's scene so special. A definite must-visit for everyone who loves art!

📍 Lichtstraße 15

⏰ Different

Oh Cologne - our hearts belong to you & not least because of these great places!
Do you already know them all or do you have an insider tip for us?

Together with VisitKöln, we are always on the lookout for the coolest and best places in our favorite city. Our friends from VisitKöln have captured them: Take a look here!

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