PHOTO: © Hans Jörg Michel


PICK OF THE DAY Concerts & Music
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In the organizer's words:

Tradition is meant to be turned upside down - that's the view of the three daughters of the milkman Tevje, who prefer to take their personal happiness into their own hands rather than trust the expertise of the matchmaker Yente. In doing so, the daughters drive their father to despair, for their blithe forging of their own happiness upsets his worldview; a world in which not only the laws of the family are called into question, but the entire existence in the shtetl is so threatened that flight and exile become a reality. Jerry Bock contrasts the melancholy and sadness of lostness with life-affirming verve and colorful exuberance - and thus gives space to all the longing and hope of village society.

This content has been machine translated.


Opernhaus Düsseldorf Heinrich-Heine-Allee 16a 40213 Düsseldorf