In the organizer's words:

Art is on the street - the ArtSchnitzel Festival

For the sixth time ,from June 23 - 30, 2024, the motto is: Art lies - or hangs - in your street. Everyone is invited to take part in the popular ArtSchnitzel Festival and find new works of art in the city. Whoever finds the artwork can take it home and keep it. This year, over 60 paintings and sculptures by 9 selected artists will once again be hidden in public spaces in the city of Munich. Each work will be hidden by the ArtSchnitzel team, then clues will be posted on Instagram (@art_schnitzel) and on the web ( and the scavenger hunt begins.

New umbrella sponsorship

This year, the campaign is taking place for the first time under the umbrella sponsorship of the

2nd Mayor ofMunich Dominik Krause.

Just look - no shredding.

In 2024, the ArtSchnitzel Festival team has come up with something completely new: This year, all the artworks will be shown in advance in Hall 6 (Studio1) as part of a group exhibition. The vernissage will take place on Friday, June 21, 2024 from 19:00 . In contrast to other vernissages, all works shown are not for sale, they can only be found as part of the 7-day festival.

The exhibition will become a documentation.

Over the course of 7 days, the artworks will gradually move from the exhibition into the urban space and be replaced by a photo showing where the work was hidden. Bythe finissage on Sunday, June 30, 2024, the exhibition will have completely transformed into a photo documentation and will definitely be worth another visit .

Selected Artists 2024

We have once again selected high-quality artists for this year's festival: The Selected Artists 2024 cover a very broad spectrum of art genres: the ArtSchnitzel team presents tongue-in-cheek sculptures by Toninho Holding, paintings by Brigitte Yoshiko Pruchnow and Julezforall. Street art by Flying Förtress, abstract ornamental prints by Leyla Schiemenz and filigree works by Magdalena Waller. Alix Stadtbäumer with floral lino prints, Guido Weggenmann with objects with a heart and newcomer Rosa von Hausen with her prints complete this year's line-up. They will be accompanied by the ArtSchnitzel all-stars: Edlinger_did_it, Miriam Frank, Max Haarich and Sabine Magnet .

ArtSchnitzel Kids Special

On June 30, 2024 there will be an ArtSchnitzel Special for children for the second time. Together with the children, we will go in search of art in the creative quarter in Dachauerstraße, in the spirit of the next generation.

Meeting point is 10:00 am at Haus2, Schwere- Reiter Str. 2b, (from 4 years)

ArtSchnitzel lives from support

Artschnitzel hunters & lucky finders and all those who simply want to join in the excitement or support the project & artists now have the opportunity to make a donation to the supporting association and thus help to maintain the ArtSchnitzel festival in the long term and thus open up access to art for everyone.

Contact: ArtSchnitzel, Schwere-Reiter- Str 2b, 80637 Munich | +49 151 23 28 20 12 | @art_schnitzel

More information:

Press material:

Vernissage in Hall6 (Studio1): June 21, 2024, Dachauer Str. 112 D, from 19:00

Finissage in Hall 6 (Studio1): June 30, 2024, Dachauer Str. 112 D, 12:00-18:00

ArtSchnitzel Kids Special: June 30, 2024, Haus2, Schwere Reiter Str 2b, 10:00 a.m.

Donation account:


IBAN: DE67 4306 0967 1108 8458 00 BIC: GENODEM1GLS

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

The festival is free for everyone to take part in


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