Baustellengespräch #8: Geografien des Kommunen

In the organizer's words:

Every evening from 22 to 24 August, a group will be preparing the ground in the Rote Halle for a gathering around a landscape that is as factual as it is mystical. Three performers and three musicians will sound out the terrain, break it open and listen for hidden depths.

The ground is also prepared for "Baustellengespräch #8: Geografien des Kommunen". This is where Laura Strack and Helmut Schneider meet. On a walk together, they traverse the geographies of the district: with insights into the history of the earth, from early traces of settlement to the industrial landscape and the present day. Where the North Sea coast once ran, artists now use a former car repair shop for their work. What does it mean to think and act from a place? What is the local in a globalized world? And how do communal spaces form?

Laura Strack has published the book "farsi comune. Topographies of precarious theater venues in contemporary Europe", Laura Strack looked at various forms of spatial-practical community creation. Now she is touring the Rote Halle, tracing the inscriptions of the landscape in contemporary work and talking about the relationship between agency and imagination. Geographer Helmut Schneider works for the Oberbilk History Association and the Düsseldorf Alliance for Affordable Housing. His thinking combines the deposits of the layers of earth, the historical layers of a district and the political demand for a city for all.

The starting and ending point of the construction site discussion is the Rote Halle. As always, refreshments will also be provided. The Panoramabar will be open. And afterwards, from 19h, we invite you to the presentation of LIERENFELD.

The construction site talks were created in 2023 in the Red Hall of Rotterdam Presenta as part of "The Studio", as moments of tangible learning by experts and to publicly accompany the construction process of their mobile rehearsal stage. Now the format continues as an accompanying assembly for the production LIERENFELD.

Guests: Laura Strack, Helmut Schneider

In conversation with: Johanna-Yasirra Kluhs x The Heap

This content has been machine translated.


ES 365 Erkrather Straße 365 40231 Düsseldorf

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