PHOTO: © BIX Lounge

Beer meets Whisky & Fingerfood | Tasting

In the organizer's words:

Better safe than sorry and, as we all know, a gentleman's table always consists of two components. And two specialists who go together like peas in a pod.

So here comes the double lotto in men's clothing: on the one hand Mr. Dinkelaker, a proud brewer by trade, and on the other the whisky expertise in the person of our well-known connoisseur Jens Oelkrug from BIX. They bring together what has always secretly loved each other: beer and whisky.

They have tinkered, sniffed, sniffed and gargled and have put together four exquisite and exquisite set meals, each consisting of four beers (0.1 liters each) and four selected whiskies (2cl each), for all whisky and beer lovers - by the way, drinking beer and whisky is also expressly and warmly recommended for non-men...

The BIX kitchen will provide finger food to accompany each course. Please let us know if you have any vegetarian or vegan requests!

During the tasting, the specialists will be available to answer questions and exchange ideas. As usual, the input will be presented with a lot of sympathy and charm and the tasting with this selection of drinks will certainly be anything but dry.

On request, we will be happy to reveal which specialties we have selected.

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Price information:

Price per person.

Terms and Conditions for lotteries


BIX Jazzclub Leonhardsplatz 28 70182 Stuttgart

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