In the organizer's words:
"Lichtspiele Kalk" show in the film series "Cinemania Kalk"...
Movie seriesHexen hexen #12


Director: Eiichi Yamamoto
Japan 1973 | 86 min. | HD | FSK 16
Japanese original version with German subtitles
"It's compulsively watchable, even at its most disturbing: The imagery is frequently graphic, and still, after over 40 years, it has the power to shock. The narrative, however implausible, is seductive. And the meticulously executed visual freakouts are awe-inspiring. The variety of graphic modes - with references to fashion magazines, pop art, psychedelia, underground comics, arty pornography and much more - is dizzying." Glenn Kenny, The New York Times (2016)

"If you think of animated cinema as a diverse flora, then EiichiYamamoto's masterpiece BELLADONNA OF SADNESS is probably the rarest of flowers. The third and final installment of the Animerama trilogy, which has opened up anime with adult themes and content, tells the story of newlywed peasant woman Jeanne, who is raped by a nobleman and subsequently haunted by a phallus-shaped demon. She is to take revenge for the violations inflicted on her.
Yamamoto based his long legendarily obscure anime on Jules Michelet's non-fiction book "La Sorciére": in both works, (presumed) witchcraft is described as a viable and popular rebellion against oppression by feudal rulers and the church. BELLADONNA OF SADNESS is a radical feminist, subversive fantasy whose outrageous combination of explicit sexuality and violence has lost none of its transgressive potential to this day. The images, often painted with watercolours and brought to life by tracking shots, repeatedly culminate in frenetically rhythmic, excessively charged orgies of color and form that not only allow us to understand Jeanne's emancipation from all oppressors, but also to feel it.
An endlessly fascinating, pulsating gem and one of the great masterpieces of animated cinema and fantastic film." Slash Film Festival 2016
This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Ticket VVK via or telephone reservation under 0221 29 49 49 79 ... Admission € 9.00 // reduced € 8.00 (students, apprentices, school / FSJ / people under 25 / guild pass) // Cologne Pass € 7.00


Lichtspiele Kalk Kino Kalk-Mülheimer Straße 130 - 132 51103 Köln

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