Clemens Tremmel | the sublime

In the organizer's words:

With the sublime, the Reinbeckhallen Foundation, in collaboration with REITER Galleries, presents a generously arranged solo exhibition by Clemens Tremmel, who was the winner of the Casper David Friedrich Prize in 2013. If at first glance his paintings are reminiscent of idealized landscapes of the Romantic period, Tremmel creates an irritation with his sometimes destructive interventions. The mutability and change of nature is artistically represented in the works in an idiosyncratic way with different materials and compositions. Tremmel (*1988) thereby dissects, deranges, smashes or almost destroys the subject on his large aluminum panels, creating a fascinating liveliness of the images.

Fri-Sun | 12-18 h

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Stiftung Reinbeckhallen Sammlung für Gegenwartskunst Reinbeckstr. 11 12459 Berlin

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