Conflicts without Winners - Workshop with Inbal Lori

In the organizer's words:

Workshop in easy english.

We could play very strong and effective scenes where the good guys do not win. The underdog does not become a superhero. The reality does not change. Those scenes will make the audience angry, reactive, thoughtful and reflective. They would make the audience feel more, think more and find a catharsis for themselves. They would reflect life as it sometimes is, with all its colors: good, hopeful and painful.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

109.90 / 79.90 Euro (reduced*) Both workshops with Inbal Lori (17.01 &18.01): 189.90 Euro / 139.90 Euro (reduced*) *The reduced fee applies to trainees, students and Cologne Pass holders, as well as people with financial difficulties.


Impro Köln / Studio A Aachener Straße 65 50674 Köln

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