PHOTO: © Birgit Hupfeldt

Dance2Narration: BIS.N.S. (AS USUAL) | LISA (UA)

In the organizer's words:

the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company as a guest at the Schauspielhaus

This double bill juxtaposes two pieces that combine dance with narration and experiment with what can emerge from this. "Bis.N.S. (As Usual)" uses a documentary audio recording of Nina Simone's encore at the 1976 Montreux Jazz Festival. In "Lisa", the dancers' sudden appearances and disappearances repeatedly create shorter or longer narrative threads that can be followed, but do not have to be. In this way, a multi-layered dialog develops between dance and narration, in which the two complement but also contradict each other. Instead of a rigid relationship in which everything fits together seamlessly like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, a structure develops that gives the audience the opportunity to discover connections for themselves.

Concept and choreography: Ioannis Mandafounis

This content has been machine translated.


Schauspiel Frankfurt Neue Mainzer Straße 17 60311 Frankfurt am Main

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