PHOTO: © Birgit Hupfeldt

Das Tove-Projekt

In the organizer's words:

"A girl can't become a poet," her father says to the young Tove in working-class Copenhagen in the 1920s. Even though this woman never fit into the literary circles of her time, she nevertheless achieved fame as a writer at a young age. With her dissecting prose, Tove Ditlevsen had the ability to withstand an adverse reality. In life, and if not in life, then in literature. With painful openness, Ditlevsen depicts the struggle for artistic autonomy and an identity as an artist, woman and mother in her autofictional texts. One of the best-known national authors in Denmark, she has only recently been (re)discovered by world literature. Joanna Bednarczyk's version of the play for Schauspiel Frankfurt draws on Tove Ditlevsen's newly translated works into German: the "Copenhagen Trilogy", Tove Ditlevsen's central work and the story of her life, and the novel "Faces", in which the author makes the perceptual shifts of a psychosis tangible with great expressiveness.
In her first work at Schauspiel Frankfurt, the Polish director Ewelina Marciniak creates an epic evening of drama about the question of female sovereignty and artistry. The exploration of female perspectives in the male-dominated world of theater is a central concern of the director.

Funded by the Deutsche Bank Foundation as part of the "Autor:innenförderung".

after Tove Ditlevsen / Director: Ewelina Marciniak

This content has been machine translated.


Schauspiel Frankfurt Neue Mainzer Straße 17 60311 Frankfurt am Main

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