PHOTO: © Chris Mock


In the organizer's words:

Sat., 01..06.24

Admission 8 pm Start 9 pm

Blue Shell Reading


A reading by & with Robert Görl (DAF) and Hanna Rollmann:

"I am a musician. My body is music. Music is my body. (...)

I was a musician. My body was music. Music was my body.

Humility. Gratitude. The ability to even think about something like the future. In this situation.

Maybe I've gone mad, maybe it's my salvation."

Robert Görl - Two lives. One on stage and one behind it.

One life as a musician in the iconic band DAF, which makes Mussolini, Hitler and Jesus Christ dance, and one as Robert, who takes his laundry to the laundrette and then runs out of change (which happens more often, but for different reasons). Who drives a cab and is driven.

Two lives? Does that tell the whole story?

There is a crash in the middle of these two lives on and off stage. An accident that shatters the body of the musician, whose body is music, whose music is body. Almost completely.

First of all, up and away, that's the first impulse. Just leave here, go somewhere, find a place.

Find a place with a different sound. A place where you can hear your voice not loudly from the speakers, but inside you. Very quietly.

And then you sit by the pool in Thailand with your eyes closed and feel that all these disparate lives are only possible because there is one thing that sustains you. You feel the warmth from within. You feel the beat. Without this beat, there is no life, no passion. No connection to all the people out there who have accompanied you. The DAF fan from Düsseldorf and the Robert Görl record collector from New York. Daniel Miller, Conny Plank, Steve Strange or Annie Lennox. And Gabi Delgado.

All of this has now been written down with the same beat and passion.

An autobiography? Just an attempt, because what does life itself achieve?

⁜ If possible, Robert optionally sings 1-2 songs that are important to him as an encore after the reading.

🎟️ Advance booking: 15.- Euro (plus fee)

B.O.: 20.- Euro

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Blue Shell Luxemburger Straße 32 50674 Köln

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