PHOTO: © Theater der Keller

Ausverkauft | Der Vermessung der Demokratie

In the organizer's words:

By and with Jan Uplegger, Yumiko Tsubaki and Maria Hinze

How is resistance possible in an all-encompassing dictatorship? A question that is being asked again in many countries today.
In their production, Jan Uplegger (drama), Yumiko Tsubaki (violin) and Maria Hinze (piano) show how, under the rule of the National Socialists, a single man without today's possibilities of digital communication and storage media built up a network covering the whole of Germany, which acted as the basis for the assassination attempt of July 20th.
Wilhelm Leuschner was the heart and brain of the underground social democratic trade union, in conjunction with the military resistance around Stauffenberg, as well as other liberal trade unionists, with whom he planned a unified trade union. In doing so, he also created the basis for today's DGB. Stauffenberg had intended him to be the new Reich Chancellor.

Eine Veranstaltung in Kooperation mit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung und mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Wilhelm Leuschner-Stiftung Bayreuth.

Jan Uplegger is a freelance actor in Berlin and Leipzig.
He is a narrator for Deutschlandfunk and numerous audio books.

Yumiko Tsubaki is a freelance violinist with the MDR Symphony Orchestra, the Musikalische Komödie Leipzig, the Robert-Schumann-Philharmonie Chemnitz and various baroque music ensembles such as the camerata lipsiensis and the Berliner Lautten Compagney.

Maria Hinze works as a freelance musician at the Leipzig Opera and as musical director for drama projects such as the Staatstheater Kassel, Theater Magdeburg and the Bremen Shakespeare Company.

Mitschiko Tsubaki was a master student of Thomas Virnich and works as a freelance artist in the fields of art, literature and science.

Admission is free.

This content has been machine translated.


Theater der Keller Siegburger Straße 233w 50679 Köln

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