PHOTO: © Leon Zarbock

dicht & ergreifend beim sommerFESTIVAL in Altusried

In the organizer's words:

There are bands that deliver on record, but live your elbows fall asleep. The reverse is also true, of course. But the Dichtis don't even try to build a bridge between these disciplines, because they are like the river in between, the feuilleton attested them. For years, dicht & ergreifend concerts have been praised as spectacles, whether it was the monster event in the packed Olympic Hall, the musical theater interludes on the "Inzi Dance" Tour 2021 or the interactive dance performance with their audience on the "Hirn Cabrio" Tour 2022. Recently, they even got involved in a tête-à-tête with the Munich Symphony Orchestra and shone with a 30-piece orchestra behind them. On August 24, 2024, dicht & ergreifend will bring the open-air stage to life at the sommerFESTIVAL in Altusried.

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Freilichtbühne Altusried Im Tal 17 87452 Altusried

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