PHOTO: © Staatliche Museen zu Berlin / David von Becker

Die Schenkung Leidner. Norditalienische Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts

In the organizer's words:

Since its foundation in 1830, the Picture Gallery has been built up and completed according to art-historical criteria. It offers a comprehensive overview of European painting from the 13th to the 18th century. The Italian collection is a focal point, although the northern Italian artists of the 17th century have been less well represented to date.

A gap in this area has now been filled thanks to a generous donation from the collector Günter Leidner. Three paintings - by Daniele Crespi (Lombardy), Cristoforo Savolini (Romagna) and Antonio Zanchi (Venice) - complete the collection of the Berlin Gemäldegalerie.

With further works by the Genoese Giovanni Andrea De Ferrari, the Lombard Giovan Battista Crespi (il Cerano) and the Veneto-born Pasqualino Rossi from the collection, which have received little attention to date, a small, new panorama of 17th century Baroque painting is opening up. In the late Venetian area, a previously unknown "The Expulsion of Hagar" from a private collection and the "Apollo's Contest" by the Bavarian painter Johann Carl Loth, who lived in the lagoon city, which has not been exhibited for a long time, also shine.

The presentation of works previously in storage and the works donated by Günter Leidner is intended to give northern Italian Seicento painting new visibility in the Picture Gallery.


The exhibition is curated by Roberto Contini, curator for Italian, Spanish and French painting at the Gemäldegalerie.

A special exhibition of the Gemäldegalerie of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

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Price information:

EUR 16.00, reduced admission EUR 8.00 for the Picture Gallery; free admission for children and young people up to and including the age of 18


Gemäldegalerie Matthäikirchplatz 10785 Berlin

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