PHOTO: © (c) William Klein

Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum

In the organizer's words:

The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum or: How Violence Arises and Where It Can Lead after Heinrich Böll directed by Philipp Arnold.

On the eve of Weiberfastnacht, a young woman of twenty-seven leaves her apartment around 6:45 p.m. to attend a private dance. Four days later, after a - one really has to put it this way - dramatic development, on Sunday evening at almost the same time, she reports to the police that she shot the journalist Werner Tötges in her apartment at noon around 12:15 p.m....

How is the image of a person created? Who creates it, shapes events, emotions and random situations into a narrative and how does this construct reach the public? Is it possible to escape this media image? In his famous story, Heinrich Böll illuminated a machinery whose power and violence have become extremely potent in our present day. Shitstorms, filter bubbles, and hatred on the Internet have raised the tabloid press's power of opinion to a whole new level. Katharina Blum is thus the godmother of many current examples. She is caught unawares in a maelstrom of sensationalism, coupled with public gloating and misogyny. A chance meeting, a night of love is quickly followed by the loss of one's own history, one's own person, one's own image.

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