Diskutieren Sie mit zur Landtagswahl 2024 in Grünau Wahlkreis 29!

In the organizer's words:

Free admission. Please register at : Join the discussion on the 2024 state election in Grünau constituency 29 - Leipzig Adult Education Center (vhs-leipzig.de)

Exciting, informative, controversial: experience duels between seven direct candidates from your constituency - live on the podium! The debates revolve around topics such as the shortage of skilled workers, internal security, finances and the social climate in Saxony. The candidates have to position themselves briefly and concisely on political issues in our lightning rounds.

You are invited to take an active part in the discussion with your questions and concerns and to help decide what content is discussed. How do the candidates in the state parliament want to campaign for local issues that affect your constituency? Ask them!

Invited are:
Andreas Nowak, CDU
Petra Böhme, AfD
Adam Bednarsky, Die Linke
Rainer Müller, Alliance 90/The Greens
Sascha Kodytek, SPD
Brunhild Fischer, Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht - Reason and Justice
Ralf-Peter Wirth, FDP

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Free admission. Please register.


Freizeitzentrum "Völkerfreundschaft" Stuttgarter Allee 9 04209 Leipzig

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