Ein Abend mit Zoran Drvenkar

In the organizer's words:

Zoran Drvenkar, a German-Croatian author, lives and writes in a former corn mill near Berlin. He has been doing this since 1989. His works include poetry, theater, children's and young adult books and fiction. And he has been quite successful: he has been published by well-known publishing houses (including Beltz & Gelberg, Rowohlt, Hanser, Carlsen, Ullstein and Klett-Cotta), has won numerous literary awards, his books have been made into films ("Then you run" on SKY and WOW is based on his novel "Du") and have been enthusiastically reviewed in the press (most recently, for example, the Süddeutsche Zeitung and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung raved about "Kai goes to war and comes back with Grandpa"). At the invitation of Adieu Tristesse e.V., he will read and talk about some of his works at the 7180 Bar on Thursday, June 27, 2024.

When asked how Drvenkar sees the categorization of books into children's, youth and adult literature, he answers: "Stupid. Just stupid and quite typical of a world that has to have its order...To be honest, I don't write for anyone. My writing has nothing to do with a specific audience. I give my characters free rein and don't try to cram them into a category." His readers range from the very young to adults; genre boundaries are alien to him and sometimes change within a reading. He is much more interested in putting the stories that lurk within him on paper, allowing characters and stories to develop.

His readings offer an insight into his multifaceted creative power and also enable a dialog between author and audience. Admission: 7.30 pm, start: 8.00 pm.

This content has been machine translated.


7180-Bar Jagststraße 4 74564 Crailsheim

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