PHOTO: © Key Visual Hin und weg (C) Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss, Foto: picture allienace/imageBroke/dirk enters

Ein Palast - zwei Blicke. Tandemführung

In the organizer's words:

From its construction in 1976 to its demolition in 2008, the Palace of the Republic went through very different phases of significance.

Individual experiences have shaped perceptions in very different ways.

In addition to the voices heard in the exhibition, two experts shed light on the transformation period from 1989 onwards from different perspectives and discuss the impact of the Palace to the present day with each other and with the audience.

- Language: German

- from 18 years

- Price: EUR 14.00 per person

- Location: Special exhibition area, ground floor

- Maximum group size: 20 people

- Part of the exhibition "Hin und weg. The Palace of the Republic is Present"

This content has been machine translated.


Humboldt Forum Schloßplatz 10178 Berlin