PHOTO: © Außenansicht, Foto: Luca Girardini

Ether’s Bloom: Ein Programm zu Künstlicher Intelligenz

In the organizer's words:

The Gropius Bau's first Artificial Intelligence (AI) program, which takes place both online and offline, focuses on the utopian and poetic possibilities of AI. Beginning in June 2023, Ether's Bloom, the first part of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) program, will begin with a series of new projects. These include a* writer in residence, artistic engagements with AI, a podcast, lectures, and talks. The second part of the program is the development of an app with a special focus on mediation and accessibility.

The Ether's Bloom program

The title Ether's Bloom is inspired by Writer in Residence K Allado-McDowell. Current AI models tend to hallucinate and provide answers rather than formulate questions, although questions and speculation are central to creative work and discourse. Ether's Bloom focuses on artistic designs and speculations on AI in close collaboration with artists*, writers*, and scientists*.

The AI podcast Beyond and Within: AI Talks takes listeners on a journey of questions, imaginings, and investigations, encouraging shared learning and exchange. It explores diverse perspectives on rapidly evolving technologies and addresses feelings, institutional spaces and art, and embodiment and questions about living with technology in the future.

Ether's Bloom aims to open discussions about artificial intelligence, its ethics and practices, taking a cross-generational and intersectional perspective.

Development of an AI-powered app

The second part of the program consists of the development of an app that is partly AI-powered. It provides structural tools to make visiting the Gropius Bau more accessible. The app, which will emerge in parts from the various activities in the context of Ether's Bloom, focuses on accessibility and various forms of intelligence, and is designed to be an important complement to the Gropius Bau's existing outreach program. It supports usability and shared learning between users and visitors and provides an infrastructure for AI-based mediation formats that is sustainable and future-proof.

This content has been machine translated.


Gropius Bau Niederkirchnerstr. 7 10963 Berlin

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