You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

From April 26, there will be a regular after-work market on Chlodwigplatz once a month.

On the last Friday of every month, from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m., Chlodwigplatz will be transformed into a meeting place for young and old, residents and visitors.

The main focus will be a long table where the delicacies and drinks on offer can be enjoyed together.

In addition to Kölsch beer, wine and cocktails, there will be a large selection of food, such as potato pancakes, dumplings, ice cream, grilled sandwiches and fried fish. The special thing about the Feierabendmarkt on Chlodwigplatz is that a number of exhibitors from the southern part of the city also present themselves here. For this reason, there will be a change of exhibitors from time to time so that as many members of the ABC as possible can be represented there.

Clubs will also have the opportunity to introduce themselves to visitors.

The Feierabendmarkt will take place 7 times this year, the dates are

26.4. / 31.5. / 28.6. / 26.7. / 30.8. / 27.9. / 25.10.

Interested exhibitors from Südstadt are welcome to apply for one of the next dates at abc-mail@gmx.de.

This content has been machine translated.


Chlodwigplatz Chlodwigplatz 50678 Köln