PHOTO: © Verleih (Filmstill)

Femminale Plurale Festival: La Bella Estate (OmU) mit Q&A im Freiluftkino Insel @ Atelier Gardens

In the organizer's words:

D.: Yile Yara Vianello, Deva Cassel, Nicolas Maupas and others.
IT 2023, 111 min.

1938: Young Ginia, new to Turin, immerses herself in the fascinating world of bohemia through the sensual Amelia, experiences her first great love and finds the courage to be herself.

1938: La giovane Ginia, appena trasferitasi a Torino, scopre attraverso la sensuale Amelia il mondo affascinante della bohème, vive il suo primo grande amore e trova il coraggio di essere sé stessa.

This content has been machine translated.


Freiluftkino INSEL @ ATELIER GARDENS Oberlandstraße 26-35 12099 Berlin

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