PHOTO: © © Urania Berlin

Grundgesetzliches: Meinungsfreiheit

In the organizer's words:

Panel discussion

75 years of the Basic Law! A good reason for us to take another close look at our fundamental rights together with a team from the BSP Business and Law School .

We will discuss why freedoms in a society are not limitless, but also why they should not be arbitrarily restricted. The "Fundamental Law" event is dedicated to freedom of expression. There will be follow-up events after the kick-off.

On April 23, we look forward to welcoming Green politician and member of the Bundestag Renate Künast and media lawyer Christian Schertz(Schertz Bergmann) as legal experts.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Admission: 8 €, reduced: 5 €, members: 3 €


Urania Berlin e.V. An der Urania 17 10787 Berlin

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