In the organizer's words:
🎉 Be part of the intercultural courtyard festival at Allerweltshaus on May 25, 2024! Under the motto "Together for Justice" we invite you to a day full of inspiration, solidarity and diversity from 2 pm to 10 pm.
Together with Green Agents from @migrafrica_vjaad and @pambazuka_swahili_kultur_e.v we celebrate the commitment for a better world. Let's discuss together how we can take action to stand up for justice, tolerance and solidarity.
Discover local groups, projects, associations and initiatives working for social justice together with sustainable and climate-friendly initiatives.
Be inspired by international music that invites you to dance or reflect:
You can expect DJs Tokashota and @anti_saunt in the afternoon. Together with the amazing technical support of @pinknoisepollution, they will set the stage for South American sounds by @losvolcanes_music, the rapper @ticesound, Balkan sounds with The Ase Crew, The Absurd and the Lohsen Saiten - as well as other great artists.
There will also be a varied creative program for children: hands-on activities by @parents4future_koeln & the Tonalli @maiztreemedia collective with a course on nutrition and puppet theater about the cultivated plant corn as well as many other surprises.
An exciting workshop by @theatro_cologne on justice - interactive and for children aged 8 and up. @Pambazuka will offer a drumming workshop for children at 4 pm.
Extra: exhibition on the history of our building.
Culinary delicacies from Central and South America, the Balkans and the Middle East, chilled drinks and traditional coffee from the @EritreischerSozialverein await you!
If you eat and drink with us, you also support our association's coffers - come hungry and thirsty.
Come along, exchange ideas and enjoy the varied program.
Free admission - we look forward to seeing you! 🎊
In the next post we will introduce you to the guests, invitees and acts.
Updates // Current information:
This content has been machine translated.


Allerweltshaus Köln Geisselstraße 3-5 50823 Köln

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