You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:


The present is the commercial break on the sofa in front of the TV: between the movies "Shit, how did that go?" And "Well, I'll just do it differently tomorrow".

Dave Finscher, DJ

Perhaps everything really significant happens in the random, unplanned moments. In the "gaps" in history.

But who are we in these moments without definition, and what do we use them for? For waste, intoxication and celebration? For harmony and beauty? For debate, confrontation and conflict? For theoretical discovery? Which events are engrained in us as a collective and force us into the repetition of the same cycles, thought patterns and historical processes despite our achievements in humanistic thinking?

The artists of the Zirkuswerk ensemble have explored transgenerational traces in their own biographies in order to find out how the spiral of our collective history is connected to our individual imprint. In a combination of acrobatics, contemporary dance and theater, the Zirkuswerk ensemble moves with humor and self-irony right along the boundaries of the kairological moment, argues, loves, cries, sweats and explores why we can't seem to escape the eternal cycle of war and peace.

However, everything may turn out quite differently than planned.

Ensemble Zirkuswerk: Ben Bräuning, David Finscher, Dennis Hauer, Jan Stein, Jonas Wacker, Kim Boller, Lena Biedlingmaier, Linda Werz, Melissa Tosun Escamilla, Richard Below, Tanja Strass

Direction, choreography, conception: Veronika Reichard-Bakri

Concept+material development: Esther Falk

Music+Sound: David Finscher

Lighting: Jens Volpp

Graphics+Layout :Falk Krohmer

Video trailer: Daniel Maloney

Note: The play deals with the topic of war, uses strobe effects and is recommended for ages 14 and up

Dates 2024: 26.06. / 27.06 .

Time: 7.30 pm each night

Location: CIRCULEUM, Ruppmannstr. 2, 70565 Stuttgart

This content has been machine translated.


Circuleum Ruppmannstraße 2 70565 Stuttgart

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