PHOTO: © Hannes Woidich

Konflikte. Die Ausstellung.

You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

The exhibition "Conflicts" in the DASA Arbeitswelt exhibition invites you to deal with the nature and manifestations of conflicts. We question their social and cultural meaningfulness and approach possible solutions. The exhibition is divided into different room pictures. They deal with "Inner Conflicts", "Private Conflicts", "Work Conflicts", "Social Conflicts" and "Conflict Theory. Visitors discover media stations and objects that provide access to this complex topic in a vivid and surprising way. The exhibition aims to make it clearer how conflicts are evaluated and dealt with and, not least, to encourage visitors to put their own culture of conflict to the test. The show from the Museum der Arbeit in Hamburg ends on January 28, 2024.

This content has been machine translated.


DASA Arbeitswelt Ausstellung Dortmund Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1–25 44149 Dortmund

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