PHOTO: © Sam Moghadam Khamseh via Unsplash

Krypto Kosmetik (DE)

In the organizer's words:

All hail to the groove. According to this motto, these five colorfully costumed disco flamingos stomp across the stage, always striving to catapult the audience rhythmically into higher states of (un)consciousness. They combine the best of various influences from disco to funk, hip-hop and wave, always in search of an original break with the respective genre. This is suitably complemented by cryptic-philosophical lyrics that take any pop platitude completely ad absurdum. So let yourself be taken on a journey in which nothing is as it seems. It's not for nothing that they are called "the most postmodern band in Europe!" Crypto Cosmetics

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Hafen 2 Nordring 129 63067 Offenbach am Main

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