PHOTO: © Wannda e.V.

Legal Ecstasy *Ohne Alkohol und Drogen* Dance Like Nobody's Watchin'

In the organizer's words:

Everyone feels right at home at our dance event, even those who normally think they have two left feet. We make it easy for you to move freely and freely - without any consumption.

Our secret? We start with relaxed warm-up exercises. Before you know it, you'll be dancing - maybe even more wildly than you ever imagined. It's about having fun, being present and living out your movements and discovering completely new ones.

Dancing simply makes you happy. No matter what age, gender or place of birth.

We present to you: Legal Ecstasy - a format that is lively, down-to-earth and bold. We are inspired by the worldwide ecstatic dance trend, only we leave the Om Shanti aside and focus on the physical and the musical. You will be fueled by a cross-genre DJ set that will be electronic, driving, psychedelic, organic; slow to fast: calm to wild; loud and quiet. Colorful, just like life itself. Let's laugh, dance and just be together. So pack your dancing cardboard noses, let's dance.

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Wannda Circus Völckerstraße 5 80939 München

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