PHOTO: © Stadtgarten

lit.pop - Die zweite Ausgabe - präsentiert von Rausgegangen

by Rausgegangen - for you.
In the organizer's words:

How far must protest go? What can love look like? Is porn a mirror of society? Does toxic femininity exist? How do we want to work in the future? And when will we face up to our identity crisis?

The second edition of lit.pop is dedicated to questions that drive, touch and trigger us - in all facets that culture has to offer: Literature, discourse, music, theater, film and analog encounters.

With Alice Hasters, Ilona Hartmann, Betterov, Madita Oeming, Necati Öziri, Moshtari Hilal, Fatma Aydemir, Ole Liebl, Miryam Schellbach, Yasmine M'Barek, Verena Bogner, Jan Kawelke, Lea Bonasera, Sophia Fritz, Miriam Davoudvandi, Mithu Sanyal, Antigone Akgün, Maria Popov, Friedemann Karig, Précey & more...

All details & tickets can be found here and at @lit.pop_cologne.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

There are different day tickets for Friday & Saturday.

Terms and Conditions for lotteries


Stadtgarten Venloer Straße 40 50672 Köln

Organizer | Festival

lit.COLOGNE Maria-Hilf-Straße 15-17 50677 Köln

Organizer | Festival

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