Lyrik-Empfehlungen 2024 – Lütfiye Güzel, CHRISTL MTH. & Diane Seuss

In the organizer's words:

Every year, ten poetry experts recommend ten volumes of poetry written in German and ten translated into German. Three of the volumes will be presented this evening:

In Frank: Sonette / frank: sonnets (Maro Verlag 2023, German translation: Franz Hofner), recommended by Kerstin Preiwuß, Diane Seuss (born 1956 in Michigan City, USA) outlines her life story, shaped by poverty, drugs and illness, in 128 sonnets, in "fragments / of a life that unfold / for me like pages of a flip book".

Lütfiye Güzel's (born 1972 in Duisburg) volume ich.soll.ruhiger.werden. (go-güzel-publishing 2023), recommended by Christian Metz, is a "questionable diary" and meditative self-observation. In multiple verses, some punctuated after each word, Güzel's minimalist "plain text poetry" (Metz) questions the validity of units of meaning: ""

In Ich glaub ich hasse mich (Haymon 2023), recommended by Sam Zamrik, CHRISTL MTH. addresses depression and self-hatred in an undisguised, raw and radically open manner and at the same time creates a space for self-empowerment through writing: "I still have a few pages to wave the white flag, in the mirror only to myself."

In reading and conversation: LütfiyeGüzel | CHRISTL MTH.

In video reading and conversation: Diane Seuss

Moderation: Lea Schneider

The poetry recommendations are a joint project of: Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung, Stiftung Lyrik Kabinett, Haus für Poesie, Deutscher Bibliotheksverband and Deutscher Literaturfonds.

This content has been machine translated.


Haus für Poesie Knaackstr. 97 10435 Berlin


Haus für Poesie
Haus für Poesie Knaackstraße 97 10435 Berlin

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