Ocean Film Tour Vol. 10

You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

Ten years of the International Ocean Film Tour

Ten years ago, we committed ourselves to an idea that we have remained true to ever since. The oceans are wild, they are fun, they are a habitat and a lifeline AND they are endangered. A broad spectrum that we always try to reflect in our program, because understanding is only possible in its entirety and understanding is the key to protecting and preserving this basis of all life on our planet.

This impulse, which has accompanied us from the very beginning, is experiencing a very special rash this year. In the film "The Return to Antarctica", Sea Shepherd draws attention to the overfishing of krill in the Antarctic. This is still legal and is literally destroying the foundations of the marine ecosystem in the Antarctic. Life is also the right keyword for the film "Havana Libre". Frank is Cuban and a passionate surfer. The film shows how Frank fights for a life in which he can pursue his passion freely, as surfing was still forbidden in communist Cuba at the time of filming. The film takes on added poignancy in an Olympic year in which surfing is part of the games for only the second time.

But this year's Ocean has much more to offer. Bjørn Dunkerbeck, a living legend of surfing, goes on a record hunt and ice swimmer Melissa Kegler has to contend not only with the pitfalls of the cold water, but also with those of our superficial society. Ocean has never been more relevant.

The face of the new tour: Frank Gonzáles Guerra

"Never Stop Surfing" is the motto of the up-and-coming surfing community in Cuba. In this year's surf film "Havana Libre", Frank Gonzáles Guerra, this year's face of the International OCEAN FILM TOUR, fights with a group of like-minded people for surfing to be legalized and recognized as an official sport in Cuba. For historical reasons, the Cuban authorities are more than suspicious of water sports and especially of materials that could be used to leave the country by water.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

from €11.00


naturstrom-openairkino Harry-Blum-Platz 1 50678 Köln

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