PHOTO: © Paolo Chiabrando

Petty Einweg

In the organizer's words:

Jens Raschke

Petty Disposable
The fantastic journey of a bottle to the end of the world

A play for people aged 9 and over about the flood of plastic.
A nameless bottle collector enters the room upset: Who has foisted a glass bottle on her? She can't do anything with that! She only collects PET bottles. Her monologue leads into the story of Petty, a plastic bottle whose multifaceted life is described in great detail. The narrator slips into a variety of roles to make Petty's experiences as vivid as possible. Petty is released into the world full of joyful expectations. However, she soon realizes that the life of a bottle is not as much fun as she had imagined. It has barely left the bottling plant when it is already empty and ends up in a landfill site and then in the sea along with a few other everyday objects. Petty's perspective opens up a whole new approach to the topic of plastic waste. The play conveys facts about environmental pollution and the wasteful consumer landscape that should shake us and uses an engaging, humorous and empathetic story. Plastic waste can be found in the ocean and in the stomachs of fish, but is also distributed microscopically in all corners of the world. These microplastic particles, which cause major problems for our environment, are transported via rivers, water pipes and even through the air and can also be detected in our food. The play aims to draw attention to this issue.

Director Carola Moritz Play Birgit Reibel
Set and design Atelier Fantômas
Costume Hannah Mayer

Duration1 hour without intermission
Performance rights Theaterstückverlag im Drei Masken Verlag, Munich

A production by Compagnie en route, supported by the Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt and the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art.

This content has been machine translated.


Kulturhaus ffm Pfingstweidstraße 2 60316 Frankfurt am Main

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