POESIEGESPRÄCH: ANNEKE BRASSINGA & ERIK LINDNER – Alles, was Liebe ist, gehört aufgehoben

In the organizer's words:

Studio space

"Writing, and certainly writing a poem, is the same as translating, only in reverse order: a careful groping for the beating heart of one's own text," writes Anneke Brassinga (born 1948 in Schaarsbergen), "language magician" (Rob Schouten) of Dutch poetry. Brassinga came to writing through translating - including Beckett, Diderot, Nabokov and Plath - and a resulting "surplus of verbal energy", which led to her poetry debut "Aurora" (De Bezige Bij) in 1987. Since then, numerous volumes of poetry, prose and essays have been published and in 2016, under the title "Fata Morgana, dürste nach uns!", Matthes & Seitz published selected poems in German translation by Ira Wilhelm and Oswald Egger. Brassinga's poems are characterized by a sensitive handling of the living "invisible substance" of the poem, by neologisms, forgotten words, bizarre composites.

"No matter where / you stand still / standing in front of the window / in the almost finished place / as if the picture came from / that you passed by", says Erik Lindner (born 1968 in The Hague), another outstanding representative of Dutch poetry. He made his debut in 1996 with "Tramontane", followed by two novels and numerous volumes of poetry, most recently "Zog" (Van Oorschot 2018) and "Hout" (Van Orschot 2024), as well as the selected poems in German translation by Rosemarie Still in 2013 under the title "Nach Akedia" (Matthes & Seitz). Lindner's poems often consist of serial snapshots, of seemingly unconnected observations of equally probable and improbable images. By perceiving things and naming them with words, a possible coherence emerges, which Lindner simultaneously puts up for discussion, "as if he were putting a word in quotation marks" (Ulf Stolterfoht).

Anneke Brassinga and Erik Lindner in conversation with Anna Eble.

The event will be interpreted Dutch-German. With the kind support of ECHOO Konferenzdolmetschen.

Project management: Nadine Tenbieg

Supported by:

Nederlands Letterenfonds. The poesiefestival berlin is a project of the Haus für Poesie in cooperation with silent green Kulturquartier and the Akademie der Künste and is funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

This content has been machine translated.


silent green Gerichtstr. 35 13347 Berlin


Haus für Poesie
Haus für Poesie Knaackstraße 97 10435 Berlin

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