Preisverleihung und Ausstellungseröffnung »Heinz-Jankofsky-Karikaturen-Wettbewerb«

In the organizer's words:

Opening of the exhibition with the award winners.

Heinz Jankofsky (1935 - 2002) was one of the most popular caricaturists in the GDR. The well-known, lovable figures with the bulbous noses were his trademark. He published his drawings in the Eulenspiegel, the NBI and in daily newspapers. After reunification, he became a kind of in-house cartoonist for SUPERillu. SUPERillu regularly organizes a competition in memory of the great cartoonist. The best entries are selected by a jury, awarded prizes and this year presented in a small exhibition in the conference room of the DDR Museum. The exhibition will be on display from October 10 to 11 and from October 14 to 17 from 10 am to 4 pm.

Sebastian Krüger, editor of SUPERillu, Berlin
Katja Reim, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of SUPERillu, Berlin

This content has been machine translated.


Konferenzraum DDR Museum Sankt Wolfgang-Straße 2 10178 Berlin

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