PHOTO: © A.L. / Unsplash

Salon Tülüfülükülümülü Vol. VIII

In the organizer's words:

Our next edition of Salon Tülüfülükülümülü will be musical - Derializiös brings together contemporary poetry by Nail Doğan and music by C. Ergün. With the project "Vocation", they have jointly developed an art song for the Haus der Poesie in Berlin as poets on the one hand and composers on the other, which will now celebrate its Hamburg premiere on May 25 at 8 pm at Nachtasyl, live and also as a stream.

Author Nail Doğan (*1988) and composer Cenk Ergün (*1978) work as a duo in close creative exchange to combine text and music. In their projects, they explore a new interplay between the two genres: Where does music end? When does text begin? Isn't text always music or the other way around? The results are poetic, experimental and touching. In collaboration with singer Cansu Tanrıkulu and double bassist Nick Dunston, they will make the words resonate on May 25.

May 25, 2024, 8 pm, Nachtasyl

live and also as a stream


Cansu Tanrıkulu (vocals) is an internationally renowned singer, multi-instrumentalist, composer, producer and improvisation artist from Berlin. She creates music for various fields and leads several international projects. Her unique vocal language and versatile skills make her a sought-after artist on renowned stages in Europe and the USA.

Nick Dunston (double bass) is a renowned composer and multi-instrumentalist known for his avant-garde work in New York. He has collaborated with artists such as Marc Ribot and Mary Halvorson and has been commissioned by renowned artists and organizations such as the Wet Ink Ensemble, Bang on a Can, JACK Quartet and the A L'ARME! Festival. His upcoming album, COLLA VOCE, will be released on April 26, 2024. Dunston's innovative approach to music has earned him nominations for the German Jazz Award and a dedicated fan base in both Berlin and New York.

Nail Doğan (poetry) born in Augsburg in 1988 as the son of a guest taxi driver and a guest cleaning lady, lives in Hamburg, chews fingernails, keeps his head above water, writes.

Cenk Ergün (composition) is a New York-based composer and improvisation artist. His works are performed by renowned artists and his music has been presented in prestigious venues and festivals worldwide, including the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. His latest album "Islands" received positive reviews in 2022 and was released on Sacred Realism. Ergün's musical style is characterized by outstanding clarity, harmonic complexity and conceptual rigor.

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Nachtasyl Alstertor 1 20095 Hamburg

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