PHOTO: © Kulturbunker Köln-Mülheim


In the organizer's words:

Open-air concert

LAIR (local dialect for the Indonesian word lahir, meaning birth ) is a six-piece psych-soul/funk group from Jatiwangi, West Java, Indonesia.

LAIR's music, inspired by traditional Panturan Tarling, a popular music/performance art of West and Central Java, is vibrant, popping and authentic. Their music represents life on the island - the feeling of salt in the humid air, the hectic streets of Pantura, the smell of burnt fuel in the air, the garish stickers and above all, the scorching heat.

In Ngélar - the sextet's second LP - deeper social narratives and more intimate themes become clearer. In it, they talk a lot about their hometown of Jatiwangi and the close relationship between people and nature, defending it against industrialization. With many guest vocalists, Ngélar is both a contextually sad album and an open, joyful reminder of the band members' everyday lives on the north coast of Java today. A concert evening not to be missed.

Free admission // against hat @Toré

The entire program of the Summer Concerts 2024 at:

This content has been machine translated.


Kulturbunker Köln-Mülheim Berliner Straße 20 51063 Köln

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