PHOTO: © Ten Toe

Ten Toe

In the organizer's words:

Ten Toe sings and plays drums, guitar and bass. At the same time. No playbacks, no loops, everything live!

However, the Kiel-based one-man rock band is not just a solo act: anyone who wants to can join in to bring new and timeless rock hits to life and transform them into pure positive energy. It's usually the kids who show the adults how it's done!

Let's rock the Woterkant together on the last Sunday of Kieler Woche and toast to life with lemonade, beer and coffee!

The mission: joy, dancing, peace! Peace!!! The entire hat fee goes to the German Children's Cancer Foundation.

This content has been machine translated.


Woderkant Festival Düsternbrooker Weg 42 24105 Kiel


Woderkant Festival Kiel

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