Toninho Dingl Vernissaage

PICK OF THE DAY Exhibition
You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

n November it's that time again and the Baumhaus Gallery opens its doors to another artist. Toninho Dingl is known for his realistic and ironic works with charm. On the third of November, the exhibition starts at 6 pm at Baumhaus, where not only the artist himself will be on site, but also a live act. In total, Cologne residents can marvel at the works until the end of December.

The Baumhaus is known for its creativity in choosing artists and its love of art. This openness is also reflected in the artists who exhibit their works here. Tanja Bäumler, co-owner of the Tree House is looking forward to the upcoming exhibition. "Toninho is colorful and can laugh at himself, we love that," the artist tells us.

But Toninho's works aren't just colorful. They also show the long path of the artist, which began rather unusually. From his geography studies as well as civilian service in the emergency services, Toninho was drawn to art. "You build your own biography and history yourself," says the artist from Bavaria. For him, his art also tells its own and extraordinary story. What makes Toninho's art - the symbiosis of title and artwork. "Language is very important to me," says the 35-year-old.

Toninho's art is bold and wild, reflecting the facets of life. An antagonism of wild painting and a mix of irony and seriousness. Rather than an aspiration to perfection, Toninho values authenticity. "My mind shapes my style," he explains.

Dingl brings a colorful mix of his works to the exhibition at Baumhaus. As a foretaste, he already reveals one of his pieces that will be on display in the gallery. The Sarcophagus is one of his more contradictory works. The painting bears the ironic title: "At least durable until: See reverse side". The fact that he thus alludes to the YouTube culture of unboxing and at the same time caricatures the preservation of what is long gone possibly ensures that the viewer's laughter gets stuck in his throat. After all, the result is - as so often - about the finiteness of all being. The accompanying image of the box filled with dates takes up this theme and raises it to a new level. The dried outer skin of the dates and their geographical origin (Sarcophagus Land is Date Land!) bring them close to the theme symbolized by the sarcophagus. One of many humorous works of the artist.

This work is a prime example of Toninho's ability to combine different themes to create something new. His painting creates a work of recognition that should not be missed. Interested people are therefore invited to visit the family gallery of Bäumler and Hauschild together with the works of Toninho Dingl from November. In addition to the art, the tree house also provides the appropriate culinary offer of Bavarian food. A vernissage for everyone.

This content has been machine translated.


BAUMHAUS Sankt-Apern-Straße 48-50 50667 Köln

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