PHOTO: © Eike Walkenhorst


In the organizer's words:

Theater at Goetheplatz

by Kae Tempest
A visual poem by Alexander Giesche
With Nadine Geyersbach feat. Paul Amereller

"The need is great! I cannot get rid of the spirits I called." (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) - How can apathy be transformed into devotion and curiosity? What could a society look like that is characterized not by performance and self-optimization, but by closeness and togetherness? asks poet and spoken word performer Kae Tempest in her essay "Verbundensein" (Being Connected). Tempest finds answers in a politics of compassion and the community-building power of art. Touching on Kae Tempest's manifesto of togetherness, Alexander Giesche develops a visual poem about the longing to connect and the effort to stay connected. Connected with ourselves, our neighbors and our social environment. Connected in times of distance, political and social upheaval, in times of pain - but also of joy.

This content has been machine translated.


Theater Bremen Goetheplatz 1-3 28203 Bremen

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