PHOTO: © Philine von Düszeln - CCS

Vernissage | Different Futures Make A Dialogue

In the organizer's words:

Celebrate the opening of our exhibition with us and bring friends, colleagues and family along!

About the exhibition:

Here and now, we lack narratives and images
of futures that are more socially just and inclusive.

What does this do to our view of
social coexistence?
What could alternative narratives achieve?

That's what we want to find out!
Together with 20 lifeworld experts with different perspectives and experiences, we have developed fairer and more desirable futures in a design-futuring process.

The exhibition now shows various scenarios and artifacts: to hear, see, touch or try out. By experiencing and touching them, we want to encourage you to imagine and discuss positively and thus inspire you to act for a fairer tomorrow.

Various future topics await you:
- How can we design urban spaces so that different animal and plant species find a place in them again?
- How can robots contribute to social innovation in hybrid work contexts?
- Where can food from urban cultivation be consumed at low cost?

The initiator of the ArteFakt2030 project is
is the design studio koralle from Bremen. The workshops
were co-designed by the photographic artist Nicole Benewaah.

Note on accessibility: The exhibition space, access and WC are wheelchair accessible.

This content has been machine translated.


Contemporary Crafts Studio Carl-Ronning-Straße 2 28195 Bremen


koralle Bremen

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