PHOTO: © Verfassungsblog

Vorstellung des "Thüringen-Projektes" vom Verfassungsblog

In the organizer's words:

The Thuringia project: What if ...
... authoritarian-populist parties were given state power?

For years, Verfassungsblog has been closely observing how the rule of law and democracy are increasingly being undermined by formal-legal means in Hungary, Poland and other countries and asks what such a scenario would look like in Germany .

Against the backdrop of the state elections in Thuringia on September 1, 2024, Verfassungsblog's research project Thuringia Project explores the questions of what leeway an authoritarian populist party would have at state level: could it use its power to harm democracy if it were to take over or participate in government? And to what extent would it immunize itself against the rule of law and control, democratic competition and public criticism?

In the SOCIETY ROOM, the Verfassungsblog team presents the current results of the Thuringia project and classifies them.

With: Lennart Laude & Juliana Talg (Verfassungsblog)

This content has been machine translated.


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