A dark comedy show that fearlessly explores our quirks and absurdities, delivering unfiltered humor that will leave you in stitches.
Features 3 international pro comedians doing their best material in English.
The comedians on the night represent the Berlin comedy scene which is the largest for English comedy in Europe and offers everything you crave when it comes to high-quality comedy.
What's In It For You?
Hilarious stand-up comedy in English at the prestigious and beautiful Theatre Sanftwut in the heart of Leipzig.
We'll make sure that you're comfortable, welcomed, and well-settled throughout the show creating a safe space for dark comedy for you.
Affordable tickets suited for both students and working professionals.
Doors open an hour before showtime for you to have some drinks and get your seat.
Showtime from 8:00 - 10:00 pm
The Lineup Of Comedians:
The lineup will be announced soon.
Ticket sales will start as soon as the lineup is announced.