PHOTO: © © Peter Breuer

Wird schon. Politik und Optimismus

In the organizer's words:

It'll be fine. Panel discussion on politics and optimism

Ahead of the European elections in June and three state elections in September, curator and moderator Nikolaus Röttger asks what politics should and can do for confidence and optimism - and which narratives about the future are convincing. He has invited political scientist Karl-Rudolf Korte and entrepreneur Janina Mütze as guests for this event.

Karl-RudolfKorte - also known for his election analyses in the media, including on ZDF - will present his new book "Wählermärkte" (Voter Markets) and explain why he advocates looking to the next elections with confidence.

Janina Mütze is co-founder and Managing Director of the opinion and market research company Civey. Since 2017, Civey has been asking Germans how optimistic and pessimistic they are. Pessimism currently predominates. We ask Janina Mütze why this is the case - and what needs to be done to increase confidence.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

8 €, reduced: 5 €, members: 3 €


Urania Berlin e.V. An der Urania 17 10787 Berlin

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